Excellence is not an accident.

Making Pegasus exists to create the greatest horses in the world.

The Horses

Making Pegasus breeds the finest horses globally out of more than 15 breeds. We meticulously select by pedigree, and accolades merited through competition, focusing on confirmation, athleticism, and temperament.


The Horse has been the greatest assistance to humanity and continues today.

What’s It All About?

Everyone eventually experiences existential examination and exploration.

Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
Where is here?
What shall I do?
Is there anything I shouldn’t do?
Where am I going?
When am I?
Is time real and how does it work?
Why this and not something else?
Is there a grand purpose to it all?
What is beauty?
Is ignorance bliss?
Why is the search for happiness innate?
Is lasting happiness possible or even desirable?
Is knowledge power?
Where do our thoughts come from?
What is consciousness?

Answering these questions is the primary purpose for the ‘Making Pegasus’ project. 

Accepting the adventurous challenge of figuring out these answers, for yourself, is the essence of responsibility and is the ultimate source of personal fulfillment.

Making Pegasus is a gift for Humanity

Our ultimate horse breeding and training project fulfills the platform created by the God Poseidon when he struck his trident into the ocean from whence sprang the horse as his gift of assistance to the evolution of humanity.

Poseidon’s gift of the horse has been Mankind’s food, force multiplier, transportation, carried him into battle, was his entertainment, spiritual healer, inspiration and friend.

Were it not for the horse, humanity would not have advanced to where we are collectively in our evolution. The horse has been the greatest assistance to humanity’s evolution and it still assists humanity today.