Why We are Doing this

Only when patterns are broken can new worlds emerge. Making Pegasus is creating the ultimate horse in fulfillment of Poseidon’s platform honoring the horse as the symbol of the effort to reacquaint humanity with the 3 most important concepts in all of conscious. Only when those concepts are comprehended and respected can humanity regain it's optimal rate of evolution. 

The 3 Most Important Concepts in all of Consciousness

Infinite Experience

You are sovereign. Your sovereignty does not arise from government or religion. It is inextricably inherent in your existence. Comprehending reality begins with an understanding of "who" you are. You are indisputably three essential elements: Energy, Information and Consciousness. Self-consciousness begins when you develop the skill to differentiate yourself from your environment and is fulfilled when you comprehend the Universe.  Between those two states rests the meaning of existence. Therefore, the only possible meaning of existence for an eternal sovereign being in an infinite eternal Universe is Infinite Experience. That’s it! What do you do for eternity but have infinite experience?


The only gracious modality of coexistence with others is to respect their sovereign right to create their lives as they wish just as you would like them to respect yours. If infinite experience is the only possible meaning of existence then Liberty is the ultimate truth of the Universe, indeed the pre-condition of love itself. Liberty is the sovereign right to hear the undistorted voice within and do whatever you hear to the extent your actions respect the equal rights of others. It is precisely because we want to protect our Liberty to create our lives as we wish, free from the usurpation of others, that we resort to the creation of governments and enact laws in the first place. Liberty has 8 key features.

Twin Souls

Just as energy has a positive and a negative charge, mankind possesses this essence as well via the masculine and feminine. This concept is everywhere from subatomic particles to biology to stars to galaxies and everything in-between. From the microcosm to the macrocosm, connected duality is everywhere. It exists in nearly every religious tradition. Plato implied it in his ‘Symposium’ when he wrote “Love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of wholeness. It is the quest for ‘Holiness'”. Twin Souls are a function of expanded consciousness and their re-unification is extremely rare in our current collective awareness but at some point everyone feels that longing. This foundational principle is what gives rise to music, dance, art, is the inspiration for the creation of beauty and even discipline and excellence itself. So how do you find your other half?

 The creation of the greatest horse is a grand metaphor for the deliberate creation of the ultimate life.